[SWFObject] js problem or swf issue? that is the question

Craig Lauderdale - MTC trouble clerk craigla at mtcorp.com
Fri Dec 15 00:07:56 PST 2006

Thank you Geoff,
            I have included that in the source but I get a blank screen with any version other than what is required. I have the expressinstall.as file on the server along with the swfobject.js file. When I try fp8 or 9 it goes to the swf and plays the movie. I can only assume the installer is getting 'hung up' somewhere.  The bayrocket.swf has the required express a.s. in the first frame with nothing else.

                       Any ideas .  Thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From:	swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com on behalf of Geoff Stearns
Sent:	Thu 12/14/2006 4:34 PM
To:	swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
Subject:	Re: [SWFObject] js problem or swf issue? that is the question

you need to create an empty html element to insert the swf into -  
right now the script is looking for an element with the id of  

so add this somewhere above your script tag and you should be all set:

<div id="flashcontent">You nee to upgrade your Flash Player!</div>

On Dec 14, 2006, at 7:04 PM, Craig Lauderdale - MTC trouble clerk wrote:

> Hello all,
> 	      If someone could look at the source code on:
> 	 www.bayrocket.com/new
> 	and explain what I'm sure is a very simple mistake that I am making.
> 	                Thanks in advance,
> 	                        Charlotte
> 	swfobject with express install
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