[SWFObject] Firefox!!

Raymond T. Orr ray at newvistavideo.com
Fri Dec 22 08:56:56 PST 2006

Wainer,Using Firefox, the black screen is indeed the background for the
info.swf movie.  (Right-click on the screen) Apparently, your swf is not
embedding the animation correctly.I changed the reference to your file in
the English site HTML code to this absolute reference and the HTML page
plays the intro movie using the SWFObject code.   var so = new
"http://www.amikitalia.com/port/intro", "100%", "100%", "8",
"#000000");Also, if you enter the URL
http://www.amikitalia.com/port/intro.swf into the Firefox Browser, it will
play the movie.  However, if you enter the url
http://www.amikitalia.com/english/intro.swf into the browser, you see only
the black background of the SWF, not the animation.
Raymond T. Orr
New Vista Video
39 Thorn Berry Place
The Woodlands, TX 77381-4341
ph. +1 281-362-8343
cell: +1 832-725-8359
ray at newvistavideo.com
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