[SWFObject] Extra space added in table cell

David Roudebush david at tech-d.com
Fri Dec 8 12:58:39 PST 2006


I'm running a flash movie that fits exactly into a table cell.

I've just installed SWFObject to test it out, and it keeps adding 40 pixels
or so at the bottom of the cell, distorting the table.

I'm sure this is just an idiot-newcomer pilot-error thing, but if you could
point out the issue, I'd appreciate it.

http://www.conlanpress.com  <== current, macromedia-style embed

http://www.conlanpress.com/index_swf2.html <== my first attempt at

Secondary questions: 

1) Can I place the scripts somewhere else (such as the header) as opposed to
the actual table cell?

2) Is the sequence important?

Thanks very much! SWFObject does exactly what I was hoping to do, and it's
all, well, DONE. Thank you.


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