[SWFObject] background sound and IE

Rob Marchetti rob at lonepinetech.net
Fri Jun 23 08:20:41 PDT 2006

Having a problem with calling an .mp3 with flash on IE. The site is
www.redcaboosediner.com. I have a train sound that loops and autoplays
in the background on every page. Seems to work fine on MacOS IE, firefox
and navigator. Also works on FireFox for PC. But in IE on the PC the
sound plays when you first visit the site but will not play again on any
of the pages. You must first close all browser windows and go back to
the site or use the sound button to turn it off and back on?
I am using SWFobject 1.4.2 to call Flash
Any Clues?
Rob Marchetti
406-862-9553 fax
rob at lonepinetech.net
<http://www.lonepinetech.net <http://www.lonepinetech.net/> > 


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