[SWFObject] Adding vars to SWFobject in Flash runtime

Danya Henninger danya at imagicdigital.com
Tue Jun 27 09:12:16 PDT 2006

I was just trying this out yesterday.  See the final product using a JS call
to load a new FLV file into a Flash movie written with SWFObject here:

www.ClubMax3D.com/animation.cfm   (you might have to enter your email to
view the page --- sorry, client request!)

Once the page loads, the SWFObject is no longer there -- it has written an
object or embed tag to place the SWF in the page, and then it's done.  So
you don't access the SWFObject anymore. (I'm pretty sure -- ?)

You can access the swf file by it's id, which is the second parameter in the
SWFObject constructor.

You can use Flash 8's ExternalInterface to set up a function that you can
call with JS from your HTML page.  Something like:

In your HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashVideoPlayer = document.getElementById('video');
function callFlashPlayVideo(flv_path) {
<div id="flashcontent"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
                  // <![CDATA[
                  var so = new SWFObject("spvideo.swf", "video",
"781px","522px", "8","" , true);
                  so.addVariable("flv_path", "flv/video1.flv");
                   // ]]>
<a href="#" onclick="callFlashPlayVideo(flv/video2.flv)" > See other movie

And in your Flash file:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
ExternalInterface.addCallback("playVideo", null, playVideo);
// and then depending on how you're playing the flv
function playVideo(url){
// then call the first movie to play

> ------------------------------
> Does SWFobject support loading vars into flash via a javascript?
> Im not a programmer, but I hope you get the idea what im asking for.?

Danya Henninger

Imagic  |   www.imagicdigital.com
danya at imagicdigital.com
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