[SWFObject] SWF Object and CSS drop menus

Geoff Stearns geoff at deconcept.com
Tue Jun 20 14:12:47 PDT 2006

swfobject doesn't do anything special in terms of overlaying things  
over it.

if you are using wmode=transparent/opaque and it doesn't work,  
there's not really anything else you can do.

flash has always been really finicky when it comes to overlaying  
things, it just depends on the browser and what you are placing on  
top of it.

On Jun 20, 2006, at 3:40 PM, Brion Mills wrote:

> Hello Geoff,
> Let me first start off by both thanking and congradulating you on  
> your success with swfObject.
> I am contacting you regarding an issue that was brought up in your  
> "Why don't you use FlashObject?" post.
> In the comments section, a user addressed the problems with Flash  
> transparency. I implemented your suggestion to place the fo.write  
> after all of the parameters. I did that and it worked partially.
> I am using a CSS drop menu, with a touch of javascript. FF of  
> course doesn't cause any issues. However, IE6 doesn't agree with  
> this at all. Upon rolling over the menu, the flash movie still  
> forces the menu items behind it. I have tried a number of z-index  
> solutions with no success.
> If you have the time, could you please show me a contextual example  
> of how this should work?
> Thanks again for all of your hard work!
> Brion
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Brion K. Mills
> Web Designer
> 1105 Media, Inc.
> 9121 Oakdale Ave.
> Chatsworth, CA. 91311
> bmills at 1105media.com
> (818) 734-1520 x206
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