[SWFObject] Refreshing page before Flash movie appears

Marc Castles marc at peaksoftware.com.au
Tue Jun 27 00:04:59 PDT 2006


Just so you know.. Opera uses the internet explorer flash plugin. That
is why you are getting the activate option in opera. Have you got a link
to the page that is causing the error?



Marc Castles
Peak Software 8 Field Street, Ballarat Vic 3350
PH: 03 5334 4752
FAX: 03 5333 7411
MB: 0421 636 775

-----Original Message-----
From: swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com
[mailto:swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Klein
Sent: Tuesday, 27 June 2006 5:01 PM
To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
Subject: [SWFObject] Refreshing page before Flash movie appears


I noticed that IE required clicking on content to activate and I just
assumed it was Microsoft stupidity. However, I downloaded Opera 9 a few
days ago and it does the same thing now! I found SWFObject just in the
nick of time (totally by accident). However, since inserting the code in
the html page the Flash movie won't display the first time but will on
each subsequent occasion (e.g. refreshing the page). This happens once
on every computer I've tried after changing and re-uploading the Flash
movie. It does this in Safari under Mac OS 10.3, and on PC: IE, Opera
and Firefox using everything from Windows 98 to XP. Do you know how I
can fix this? Apart from this SWFObject is great!



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