[SWFObject] Refreshing page before Flash movie appears
colin @ spikemultimedia.co.uk
colin.murdoch at spikemultimedia.co.uk
Tue Jun 27 01:30:56 PDT 2006
Hi Daniel,
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script> -> needs to be
within the <head>.....</head>
Colin Murdoch
-----Original Message-----
From: swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com
[mailto:swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Klein
Sent: 27 June 2006 08:26
To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
Subject: Re: [SWFObject] Refreshing page before Flash movie appears
Hi Marc,
Opera usually uses the Netscape plugin, however, I haven't checked this
recently for Flash Player. I've used every version of Opera 8 up until
the last (8.54) before version 9 came out and none of them needed click
activation. But on to the important issue! The address is
http://www.caveboy.com.au/test/loadtest4.html It's still under
construction which is why it's in the /test/ directory so if a couple of
things don't work in the movie you can either ignore them or tell me
what doesn't work so I can debug it :) If you can work out why it
doesn't show first time I would be very grateful!
On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 17:04:59 +1000, "Marc Castles"
<marc at peaksoftware.com.au> said:
> Daniel,
> Just so you know.. Opera uses the internet explorer flash plugin. That
> is why you are getting the activate option in opera. Have you got a link
> to the page that is causing the error?
> Regards,
> Marc
> Marc Castles
> Peak Software 8 Field Street, Ballarat Vic 3350
> PH: 03 5334 4752
> FAX: 03 5333 7411
> MB: 0421 636 775
> www.peaksoftware.com.au
> -----Original Message-----
> From: swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com
> [mailto:swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Klein
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 June 2006 5:01 PM
> To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
> Subject: [SWFObject] Refreshing page before Flash movie appears
> Hello!
> I noticed that IE required clicking on content to activate and I just
> assumed it was Microsoft stupidity. However, I downloaded Opera 9 a few
> days ago and it does the same thing now! I found SWFObject just in the
> nick of time (totally by accident). However, since inserting the code in
> the html page the Flash movie won't display the first time but will on
> each subsequent occasion (e.g. refreshing the page). This happens once
> on every computer I've tried after changing and re-uploading the Flash
> movie. It does this in Safari under Mac OS 10.3, and on PC: IE, Opera
> and Firefox using everything from Windows 98 to XP. Do you know how I
> can fix this? Apart from this SWFObject is great!
> Cheers
> Daniel
> --
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