[SWFObject] Adding vars to SWFobject in Flash runtime

Danya Henninger danya at imagicdigital.com
Tue Jun 27 10:13:44 PDT 2006

Okay -- this is my last revision -- sorry for the multiple posts -- trying
to repurpose and slim down my actual code introduced some errors.

The setting of the variable "var flashVideoPlayer" can't occur until the
page loads.  So the script should really be something like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashVideoPlayer;
function initialize(){
 flashVideoPlayer = document.getElementById('video');
function callFlashPlayVideo(flv_path) {
<body onload="initialize">

> > --
> > Danya Henninger
> >
> > Imagic  |   www.imagicdigital.com
> > danya at imagicdigital.com
> >

Danya Henninger

Imagic  |  www.imagicdigital.com

609.645.7755 tel
866.530.6608 fax
609.289.0411 cell
danya at imagicdigital.com
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