[SWFObject] Drop Down Menus

swfobject at blazingimages.com swfobject at blazingimages.com
Tue May 2 21:44:48 PDT 2006

I have tried 3 drop down menu methods including allwebmenu which I 
have seen appear above flashmovies. I included mine using swfobject 
and I cannot for the life of me get the menu over the flash object. 
The code seems to render correctly.

Is there anything missing here? (I have 2 wmode statements because I 
have tried every combination of capitalization)
   <script type="text/javascript">
	// <![CDATA[

	var so = new SWFObject("headerPics.swf", "myMovie", "420", "210", 
"8", "#ffffff");
	so.addVariable("WMode", "Transparent");
	so.addVariable("wmode", "transparent");
	so.addVariable("xmlfile", "images.xml.php");
	so.addVariable("fkey1", "<?php echo $_GET['page']; ?>");
	so.addVariable("fkeyName1", "idprop_pimg");
	so.addVariable("imgtype1", "header1");
	so.addVariable("fkey2", "<?php echo $_GET['page']; ?>");
	so.addVariable("fkeyName2", "idprop_pimg");
	so.addVariable("imgtype2", "header2");
	so.addVariable("fkey3", "<?php echo $_GET['page']; ?>");
	so.addVariable("fkeyName3", "idprop_pimg");
	so.addVariable("imgtype3", "header3");

	// ]]>

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