[SWFObject] swfobject_jskit only works in FF on reload... thanks, Muzak

David Waclo oakiedave at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 1 12:14:20 PST 2006

The scrolling swf was going into an I-frame at 2000 px so that even if 
someone had a very large monitor one could see the thumbnails all the way 

But I wanted to do away with the scrollbar and just have it so that if you 
mouse to the right or left you could make the scroller move. But to do that 
I needed the width of the top window.

Your suggestion of using the stage.width property was a better solution - 
I'll just have another swf on the main page at 100% and noscale and get the 
window width from that, and send it to the scroller with a local connection.

I'm still not sure why the javascript gateway wasn't working tho... o well.


Use your PC to make calls at very low rates 

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