[SWFObject] SWFObject 1.4.4 does not work for me with local SWF in IE 6.0

Igor Sadovskiy isadovskiy at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 09:35:41 PDT 2006

Hello guys!

Thank you very much for such great thing as SwfObject!

I got one strange issue with on one of my projects. I have SWF compiled for
Flash Player 7 using MTASC which calls fscommand to invoke some actions on
its HTML page. The issue is fscommand call works fine both for IE and
Firefox when I'm using usual <OBJECT> tag in the HTML for (I'm launching
HTML locally, from my hard drive, not over the web). But once I'm switching
to SwfObject, fscommand stops working in the IE. It still works in Firefox.
Furthermore, if I'm uploading my HTML and SWF to the web it also works fine
both on IE and Firefox.

So the only problem is when I'm launching my content with SwfObject locally
using IE. In this case fscommand won't work. Looks like security issue but
anyway very strange...

Please check the example from the URL below:

The issue is I can't provide sources for the SWF since this is a part of the
commercial project. But anyway we can consider this SWF as a "black box"
contained fscommand call, which won't work in some particular case. Could
you discover this problem? Seems like something needed to be fixed in the

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