[SWFObject] SWFAddress and Flex 2
Rostislav Hristov
rostislav.hristov at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 11:44:23 PDT 2006
Hi Geoff and everyone on the list,
I'm currently working on a typical flash website and I thought that it
will be great if it supports bookmarking and navigation using the
browser's back and forward buttons. Recently I wrote something similar
for an Ajax app and now I've made it compatible with the Flash Player.
Since SWFObject is my choice for Flash embedding I've decided to
integrate my script with it and to give it a similar name.
The first demo is avalable at http://www.asual.com/swfaddress/flash/
I've used SWFObject v2.0 as a base and I did some tricks to extend it
at runtime so that no additional JS code is needed for SWFAddress. The
script uses ExternalInterface and therefore it's only compatible with
FP8+. It works fine with Internet Explorer 6 and Mozilla Firefox 1.5,
but it fails in Opera and probably I will disable it for this browser.
I will appreciate a test report with Safari.
I'm looking forward to add support for Flex 2 applications and I
wonder what are your plans in this direction.
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