[SWFObject] Problem with display in Firefox, salign or scaling or something

Benek Lisefski benek at lisefski.com
Tue Oct 24 22:52:08 PDT 2006

I have recently tried this to use SWFObject to embed my flash site  and 
have found that my page no longer displays as it should.

My original working site is at: http://www.nzography.com/.
It uses the Flash 8 publishing method to detect flash version and embed 
the swf. You can see that the black square is in the top left corner of 
the screen, and the map is centered.

My attempt at using SWFObject resulted in this: 
This works fine in IE, but in Firefox you'll see that the black square 
is no longer in the right place (if your screen is small you won't see 
it at all!) and the map is not centered.

In both examples the exact same SWF file is used. For both the "salign" 
is set to top left. And they are both set to noscale.

The only difference I can see is the embed method, and the SWFObject 
method is not working properly! Any ideas of what could be causing this? 
It looks to me like it must be one of three things:

1. The salign isn't working properly
2. The scale="noscale" is not working
3. The flash code is not properly reading stage width and height

It is strange that it would work fine before with a traditional 
object/embed but not with SWFObject.
Benek Lisefski
www.benekdesign.com <http://www.benekdesign.com>
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