[SWFObject] Seperate Stylesheet for HTML and Flash

Thomas Lauck lauckthomas at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 11:02:47 PST 2006

My problem is this: I have a fullscreen flash site, therefore I have  
my overflow content hidden in my CSS.  If a user does not have flash,  
no scrollbars appear (because overflow is hidden).  My logic to solve  
this is to add a function to SWFobject so that when Flash is not  
recognized that it disables the "Flash" stylesheet and replaces it  
with the "HTML" one.  I am hardly an expert at JavaScript, but I  
assume there would be some browser/platform compatiblity issues with  
this (such as getElementByID).  Is the best way to accomplish this,  
to modify the SWFobject code or to write another script that will run  
on top of it?  Also, what method of replacing html, in the fashion  
that I am describing, will work best (if not getElementByID, then  
what else)?


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