[SWFObject] remove

Getchell, Tim tgetchell at cameron.k12.wi.us
Fri Oct 6 06:49:39 PDT 2006

Vanilla or phpbb3 both seem to be just fine for free hehe


From: swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com
[mailto:swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com] On Behalf Of Geoff
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 8:39 AM
To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
Subject: Re: [SWFObject] remove


i have thought about a forum (vanilla would definitely get my vote if i
set one up)


but you guys complaining about too many e-mails - don't forget you can
change your settings to 'digest' mode, so you only get 1 email a day
instead of each one individually.


as for finding your e-mail - try looking in your Sent folder to see
which e-mail address you are using to send to the list.




On Oct 6, 2006, at 6:24 AM, 3stripe wrote:

I've just signed up to the list and I immeditately disabled email
notification when I saw how many emails came in.

I'm  sure it's been considered already but wouldn't a nice forum be a
useful place for people to ask stupid questions? (Something like
http://getvanilla.com/ for example)

On 10/6/06, Toby <toby at creativefibre.co.uk > wrote:

Basically this project works so well at the moment information is rarely
required from a source like this? Most posts I skim read through
identify misuse of SWFObject, I guess an answer to that would be a
resource tackling these obvious issues (just some more examples of
integrating flash with the scripts maybe)?


I'm kinda waiting to see how IE7 pans out and what great moves Microsoft
make to further the thinking we have to do thanks to their lack of.
Fairly sure if they do their usual "lets screw every developer up
because we want to do things our way" thing this list will be busy.


Nice work again Geoff!


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