[SWFObject] external interface problems
Maurice Moore
info at madcomputing.com.au
Mon Oct 16 07:05:51 PDT 2006
hi Nyls,
here is the link
as I said, fine in firefox but IE gives errors.
hi all,
i have read the posts about the updated version of 1.4.4 which is what i
am using.
i have a simple nav swf in a .net page. the nav swf is embedded with
this code
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var fo = new SWFObject("/swf/navigation.swf", "nav", "771", "75",
"8", "#FFFFFF");
// ]]>
and the .as file i include for the external interface is this
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
* CookieBroker Class to manage javascript cookies within the flash movie
class CookieBroker
private static var write_cookie:String = "function set_cookie(name,
value, path) { var cookie = name + \"=\" + escape(value) + \"; path=\"
+ escape(path); document.cookie = cookie; }";
private static var get_cookie:String = "function
get_cookie(cookie_name) { var results =
document.cookie.match(cookie_name + '=(.*?)(;|$)'); if (results) return
(unescape(results[1])); else return null; }";
private static var remove_cookie:String = "function
removeCookie(name){var cookie = name + \"=\";cookie += '; expires=Fri,
02-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT';document.cookie = cookie;}";
public static function SetCookie(name:String, value:String,
ExternalInterface.call(write_cookie, name, value, path);
public static function GetCookie(name:String):Object
return ExternalInterface.call(get_cookie, name);
public static function DeleteCookie(name:String):Void
ExternalInterface.call(remove_cookie, name);
when i run the page in FF there are no problems, but in IE i get three
1. 'nav' is undefined @ line 0
2. 'nav' is undefined @ line 0
3. 'nav' is undefined @ line 55
any ideas please?
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