[SWFObject] sendAndLoad conflict with flashvars in swfobject

Troy Beseman tcbeseman at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 30 06:00:31 PST 2006

Thanks for the quick response.  I went to post the code on a test site and discovered that the object/embed does not work.  So...I can't limit the issue to swfobject anymore.  But why would the sendAndLoad work on my local machine but not when I post the code?  I checked the referencing and it seems to be right.  I'm using the GET...and I've tried the POST command in the sendAndLoad statement.  

I apologize for this and I appreciate the time.  I know this is no longer an swfobject issue, I'm just getting really frustrated.

If anyone has time, I have an example you can look at the header at www.nationalassessor.com is my issue.


> From: aran.rhee at qdc.net.au
> To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
> Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 16:33:01 +1100
> Subject: Re: [SWFObject] sendAndLoad conflict with flashvars in swfobject
> Troy.
> The addVariables call is exactly the same as flashvars under normal object/embed (in fact addVariables just constructs the flashVars params for you).
> Are the two pages are identical except for the use of swfObject vs. object/embed construction methods?
> Can you post the two pages? We should be able to work out what is happening a lot easier this way...
> Cheers,
> Aran
> ________________________________
> From: swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com [mailto:swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com] On Behalf Of Troy Beseman
> Sent: Monday, 30 October 2006 4:25 PM
> To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
> Subject: [SWFObject] sendAndLoad conflict with flashvars in swfobject
> I'm new to swfobject so I apologize if this has nothing to do with anything, but after all the testing that I did it is the only thing I can find different.
> Basically I am using the sendAndLoad method to send a stateName and countyName to/from an asp.net page that is external of the file the flash is loading in.  It seems to work when I don't use swfobject to insert the flash movie in to a page.  If I publish directly to html it seems to work just fine.  I have set up the add.variable and it passes the initial variables in, but I'm unable to communicate with asp.net after that.
> Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be wrong?
> Thanks,
> Troy
> ________________________________
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