[SWFObject] SwfObject-bearingHTMLPage:FlashVideoreloadingitselfupon departure!

Brave Boat NET shipwrecked at braveboat.net
Mon Oct 30 08:15:45 PST 2006

Hi nyls, 

Interestingly, when we use a plain HTML navigation mechanism we don't have the problem of the 2 .swfs duplicating themselves when you try to leave the page.  Things load/unload just fine. 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: nyls 
  To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:06 AM
  Subject: Re: [SWFObject]SwfObject-bearingHTMLPage:FlashVideoreloadingitselfupon departure!



  Yes, try the streaming VS fully loaded swf.. 



  I mean if you don't use a flash menu but just a normal HTML menu <a href=''> link </a>,  just to pin point the problem more. . Try removing anything that could cause the problem so that you have the minimal stuff on the page where the problem/bug is still there..  


  Ok, to empty a DIV use a javascript function 


  function getURL(url)


              document.getElementById("flashDIV").innerHTML = "";

             window.location = url;




  And from your flash menu instead of asking for a new page, call the javascript function ..  


  Maybe a better solution if the problem is with the streaming to stop the movie stream before switching pages.. 


  Ok, goodluck




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