[SWFObject] SwfObject-bearingHTMLPage:FlashVideoreloadingitselfupon departure!

nyls info at nyls.nl
Mon Oct 30 10:32:26 PST 2006

First of all put the javascript function in the head


Then from flash there are several ways of calling a javascript function : 


Easiest call a javascript function through:   getURL("javascript:getURL('




or (BETTER) if you use flash 8 through the external interface..  







Van: swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com
[mailto:swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com] Namens Brave Boat NET
Verzonden: Monday, October 30, 2006 5:40 PM
Aan: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
Onderwerp: Re:




we admit to being inept with javascript.    So we suppose you mean that the
Flash button (let's use the Staff button as an example) should have code
like this:


on (release) {




Then the HTML page on which the 2 videos reside should have this function
someplace in the body of the HTML:


function getURL(url)




            document.getElementById("flashwelcome").innerHTML = "";


           window.location = url;




This would clear the welcome video with the man talking.  Whatever we've got
here doesnt work though.  Probably we goofed in the call to the javascript
function.  ????



----- Original Message ----- 

From: nyls <mailto:info at nyls.nl>  

To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com 

Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:06 AM

Subject: Re:




Yes, try the streaming VS fully loaded swf.. 



I mean if you don't use a flash menu but just a normal HTML menu <a href=''>
link </a>,  just to pin point the problem more. . Try removing anything that
could cause the problem so that you have the minimal stuff on the page where
the problem/bug is still there..  


Ok, to empty a DIV use a javascript function 


function getURL(url)


            document.getElementById("flashDIV").innerHTML = "";

           window.location = url;




And from your flash menu instead of asking for a new page, call the
javascript function ..  


Maybe a better solution if the problem is with the streaming to stop the
movie stream before switching pages.. 


Ok, goodluck




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