[SWFObject] Deeplinking w/ Anchors into containers

Geoff Stearns geoff at deconcept.com
Tue Oct 31 19:34:40 PST 2006

you can do it either way... swfobject will look for the query string  
first, and if that fails it will check for a hash string like the one  
i used...

the hash string is useful when you want to do deep link functionality  
where the flash movie updates the hash when the user changes  
sections... but i'm working on changing the way that works so it's  
more in line with more common practices, like the hashes you use when  
using SWFAddress.

On Oct 31, 2006, at 6:35 PM, Muzak wrote:

>> your url is yourpage.html#foo=bar&foo2=bar2
> should be
> your url is yourpage.html?foo=bar&foo2=bar2
> no?
> regards,
> Muzak
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Geoff Stearns" <geoff at deconcept.com>
> To: <swfobject at lists.deconcept.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [SWFObject] Deeplinking w/ Anchors into containers
>> well, the code i gave would just pass in the hash value as is...
>> so you would have a var called _root.hash that would be equal to "#/
>> something/somethingelse/whateverelse"
>> - you don't have to format it that way, and if you want to you can
>> use name/value pairs instead, and then use the getQueryParam() method
>> build into swfobject to pull out individual values. an example of
>> that would look like:
>> your url is yourpage.html#foo=bar&foo2=bar2
>> then your js/swfobject code would look like:
>> so.addVariable("foo", getQueryParamValue("foo"));
>> so.addVariable("foo2", getQueryParamValue("foo2"));
>> which would then give you 2 vars on the root of your movie, one
>> called "foo" with a value of "bar" and one called "foo2" with a value
>> of "bar2"
>> once you have the vars into your swf, it's up to you what you do with
>> them... you treat them just like you would any other variable.
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