[SWFObject] Express install issues

Geoff Stearns geoff at deconcept.com
Sun Sep 3 09:08:12 PDT 2006

if the title bar changed, that means that swfobject did try to start  
the expressinstall, so most likely there's somethign wrong with your  
fla code.

if you want to test it yourself, you can download the flash player  
uninstaller and any old versions you want form the adobe site (search  
google for 'archived flash players')

On Sep 3, 2006, at 2:38 AM, Hollie Bell wrote:

> http://www.bizztools.net/test/blr.html
> I've asked a friend who had version flash player 8 to check this  
> site, and I am sure i have correctly set it up.
> He is using Safari and a Mac..  when he  checked the site after I  
> changed the code from "7" to "9" so it would express instal, he  
> could no longer see the calculator, and nothing was happening,  
> except the title bar was  "flash player installation"
> How can I check to see what happens if I have flash player 9 on my  
> computer.
> Why was it doing "nothing" for him?
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