[SWFObject] Safari, 2 SWObjects on a page and a mess

Tom Livingston tom.livingston at mlinc.com
Tue Sep 12 13:07:30 PDT 2006

On 9/12/06 3:56 PM, "Geoff Stearns" <geoff at deconcept.com> wrote:

> sounds like a fun problem :)
> can you post a link to the page that's having the problem? or even better can
> you supply source code?

I can try to copy/paste code. Not sure if I¹d be breaking any rules... I
have been playing with it a bit as well, and I am now sniffing for Safari
and just giving it a static image for the second looping animation. Only (1)
SWO now. The static image has a href on it. All is great until I mouse over
the static image/href. Doing so causes the doubling up of the remaining
first SWO as well!!!!! WTF!!!! This behavior is not present in the latest
build of Webkit, but that doesn¹t help me right now!

Any ideas now... Even w/o code to see?

Tom Livingston | Senior Multimedia Artist | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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