[SWFObject] How do I dynamically remove swfobject usingjavascript

Terry Cali swfobject-deconceptcom at dedicatedmanagers.com
Thu Sep 7 12:04:04 PDT 2006

Thanks.  A couple more questions if you don't mind....

1) I saw the innerHTML thing you did and just wrote this on the original DV tag, which worked:
        document.getElementById("mySWFobjectDIVcontainer").innerHTML="Hello World!";

Any reason to go the step further and create a new div and swap them out?

2) This isn't exaclty SWFobject related, but I could use some help....
What I'd actually like to replace the SWFobject with is a preloaded image.  Any help on doing so?

// done in the head somewhere to preload image:
var myImage = new Image();
myImage.src = "http://mysite.com/images/image.jpg";

// swap SWF for image
document.getElementById("mySWFobjectDIVcontainer").innerHTML=<img src=myImage.src>;  // doesn't work


// swap SWF for image
document.getElementById("mySWFobjectDIVcontainer").innerHTML=<img src="http://mysite.com/images/image.jpg">;  // doesn't use preload in IE

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John Giotta 
  To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com 
  Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 12:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [SWFObject] How do I dynamically remove swfobject usingjavascript

  I suggest doing a DOMElement.replaceChild.

  // Somthing like
  function removeSWFobject() {
      var newdiv = document.createElement("div");
      newdiv.innerHTML = "Hello World!";
      var flashdiv = document.getElementById("mySWFobjectDIVcontainer");
      document.body.replaceChild(newdiv, flashdiv);

  Of course it does not destroy the SWFObject declared in JavaScript memory, it only removes the HTML rendered output. 


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