[SWFObject] Validating page

Patricia Davidson pddesigns at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 22:09:11 PDT 2006

Hi, thanks, because I'm still having a problem.

do you mean this?
<div id="midsection1">
  This text is replaced by the Flash movie.

<script type="text/javascript">
   	var so = new
SWFObject("http://goldbeachyouthgroup.com/slideshowpro.swf", "movie",
"760", "150", "7", "#36393E");
	so.addVariable("xmlFile", "GBYG.xml");
so.addVariable("preloaderBackColor", "0xaf0000");
so.addVariable("preloaderBorderColor", "0xcccccc");
so.addParam("scale", "noscale");

it can't parse the xml.

I did a test by taking the js code that using the slideshow produced
and linking it to an external js.  The movie played with the head tags
:(  I know that was wrong but I believe that somehow it needs this
code with it:

  <script type="text/javascript">
); //end AC code

What do you think?


Thanks, Pat :)

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