Hey that's great, thanks alot!<br><br>
At 03:26 PM 6/17/2006, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><?xml version="1.0"
?> <br>
On 17 Jun 2006 at 15:01, Asai wrote:<br><br>
<font color="#7F0000">> >Because I'm feeling extremely tired and
lazy, I'm wondering if <br>
> >anyone can direct me to the place where I learn how to install
> >multiple flash movies in the same web page with SWFObject.<br>
> <br>
> thanks alot<br>
> <br>
> <br>
Here is my answer to an earlier similar question ..<br><br>
On 4 May 2006 at 14:14, Steve Norris wrote:<br><br>
> It is critical, to the<br>
> success of a software application that I am writing, that<br>
> there be a standardized way to access the swfObjects in an<br>
> existing .html page.<br><br>
I'm doing something similar .. for placing multiple SWFObjects<br>
.. <b><i>all different id's</i></b> .. in HTML wrapper page ..<br>
I place SWFObject code in a function ..<br><br>
e.g. to load one SWFObject instance ..<br><br>
loadSWFObject("top", "test.swf", "test",
"100", "100", "8.0.22",
then ..<br><br>
function loadSWFObject(div_id, src, movie_id, w, h, v, bgcolor)
var so = new SWFObject(src, movie_id, w, h, v, bgcolor);<br>
so.addParam("quality", "high");<br>
so.addParam("scale", "exactfit");<br>
so.addParam("salign", "LT");<br>
so.addParam("menu", "false");<br>
so.addParam("swLiveConnect", "true");<br>
so.addParam("name", movie_id);<br>
so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "sameDomain");<br>
The div properties (in classes) are then all defined in CSS
<div class="so_top" id="top"><br>
<p>This is replaced by the Flash content.</p><br>
This layout allows SWFObject div attributes to be targetted ..<br>
e.g. to move / resize SWFObjects or make them visible/hidden.<br><br>
SWFObject mailing list<br>
<a href="http://lists.deconcept.com/listinfo.cgi/swfobject-deconcept.com" eudora="autourl">