[SWFObject] XmlConnector

Yann LE ROCH Agence CHROM y.leroch at chrom.fr
Fri Apr 28 00:20:14 PDT 2006

I try to make a search engine with XmlConnector component:
A text field (search) sent a request to my server and generate on fly via
asp a xml document read by my datagrid (recherche_dg)
I leave blank the url value in xmlconnector property, and add this code to
this object:
on (click) {

import mx.controls.DataGrid;
import mx.data.components.XMLConnector;
import mx.data.components.DataSet;
Var rechercheString=search.text;
siteURL= "http://localhost/xml/xmlsearch.asp?search="+rechercheString;
rechercheReceiveXMLConnector.url =siteURL ;
this._parent.rechercheReceiveXMLConnector.trigger( );

Can you help me to resolve my problem?

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