[SWFObject] Firefox Trickery - Won't Play Audio Correctly

Geoff Stearns geoff at deconcept.com
Thu Dec 14 11:04:45 PST 2006

it seems to be working ok for me in firefox 2 on OS X - what version  
of Flash Player do you have installed?

It doesn't sound like it would be a swfobject specific issue, but if  
you suspect something you could always try embedding them with plain  
object/embed tags.

On Dec 14, 2006, at 12:24 PM, russ421 at aol.com wrote:

>  Hello, bit of a problem here.  I'm new to Flash and love  
> SWFObject, but I'm having a bit of a problem.
> I have created a button that plays audio files.  It works great in  
> IE and Safari, but isn't working correctly in Firefox.  All the  
> audio gets mixed up, hardly plays, etc.  The buttons to click work  
> great, however.
> An example page is http://www.learn-korean-now.com/beta/sample1.php
> From my days of testing, I think it works great in Firefox if I  
> have less than 15 buttons on a page.  That would make the current  
> site hard to develop, and it should work fine with more buttons.   
> It uses the same swf file over and over again, passing the audio  
> filename to the swf file via FlashVars.
> Any ideas on what is going on?  I couldn't get the audio to play at  
> all with the standard AC_FL_RunContent, and it works great with  
> SWFObject, but not in Firefox...
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