[SWFObject] Firefox Trickery - Won't Play Audio Correctly

Becky Kinney bkinney at UDel.Edu
Fri Dec 15 04:42:46 PST 2006

I am seeing the Firefox bug on XP. Works in IE 7, just as you said. In Firefox, there is a long delay before the sound plays, and it feels like Firefox is having a hard time finding the right swf instance to pass the audio to. I don't think the garbling of sounds is a problem if you just wait long enough for each sound. The trouble is, the wait is so long that you become tempted to click again, or click a different button, and then the sounds are interrupting each other when they are finally ready to play. Once I have played the sound from a given button, it works properly thereafter. This suggests that you are not actually loading the sound files until the button is clicked the first time. Maybe if you load the sounds, but do not play them until click, the problem will go away.

Another possible work-around would be to use just one swf file for each set of files. You've already categorized the terms, so why not have a single swf for each set of buttons? One swf could contain as many of your buttons as necessary, and also include the text. That might even help for those of us who do not have the proper font installed to see the korean characters. It would depend of course on whether you embed the font. I realize there are down sides to this, but I think it is workable if you put your data into an external file, or pass it to the swf using the FlashVars. The only thing would be, you'd have to pass a list of terms and filenames, rather than just the one you are currently passing. You'd need to set the height of your flash to accommodate the number of terms in each, which is a slight extra complication, but if you wanted to you could have javascript do that part for you.

Given that your page works when you have fewer than 15 swfs, I think there's a pretty good chance packing 10 or so buttons into each swf would solve the problem. No guarantees, of  course, but that's what I would try.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Geoff Stearns 
  To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com 
  Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [SWFObject] Firefox Trickery - Won't Play Audio Correctly

  it seems to be working ok for me in firefox 2 on OS X - what version of Flash Player do you have installed?

  It doesn't sound like it would be a swfobject specific issue, but if you suspect something you could always try embedding them with plain object/embed tags.

  On Dec 14, 2006, at 12:24 PM, russ421 at aol.com wrote:

    Hello, bit of a problem here. I'm new to Flash and love SWFObject, but I'm having a bit of a problem.
    I have created a button that plays audio files. It works great in IE and Safari, but isn't working correctly in Firefox. All the audio gets mixed up, hardly plays, etc. The buttons to click work great, however.
    An example page is http://www.learn-korean-now.com/beta/sample1.php 
    From my days of testing, I think it works great in Firefox if I have less than 15 buttons on a page. That would make the current site hard to develop, and it should work fine with more buttons. It uses the same swf file over and over again, passing the audio filename to the swf file via FlashVars.
    Any ideas on what is going on? I couldn't get the audio to play at all with the standard AC_FL_RunContent, and it works great with SWFObject, but not in Firefox...

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