[SWFObject] ExpressInstall is not always stopping movie

Jim Berkey jim at jimbo.us
Sat Jul 1 04:37:43 PDT 2006

I put ExpressInstall on frame one, my loader on frames 2 and 3, and my content on frame 4 - works like a charm.

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On 7/1/2006 at 10:29 AM Daniel Klein wrote:

>Fixed my previous problem, it was my code, not SWFObject. However, I'm
>now having a problem with ExpressInstall. Here is the code from frame 1:
>Stage.showMenu = false;
>LoaderBar._xscale = 0;
>// SWFObject code obtained from http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/
>//#include "expressinstall.as"
>// Original expressinstall.as doesn't compile due to function():Type not
>being supported.
>#include "expressinstallnotype.as"
>// initialize the ExpressInstall object
>var ExpressInstall = new ExpressInstall();
>_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
>	// if the user needs to upgrade, show the 'start upgrade' button
>	if (ExpressInstall.needsUpdate && expressinited != true) {
>		ExpressInstall.init();
>		// this is optional, you could also automatically start the 
>		// upgrade by calling ExpressInstall.init() here instead of the
>following lines
>		// attach the custom upgrade message and center it
>		/*var upgradeMsg = attachMovie("upgradeMsg_src", "upgradeMsg", 1);
>		upgradeMsg._x = Stage.width/2;
>		upgradeMsg._y = Stage.height/2;
>		// attach the button actions that will start the ExpressInstall updater
>		upgradeMsg.upgradeBtn.onRelease = function() {
>			// the ExpressInstall.init() method is what kicks off the actual update
>			ExpressInstall.init();
>		};//*/
>		expressinited = true;
>		// if expressinstall is invoked, stop the timeline.
>		stop();
>	} else if (getBytesLoaded()<getBytesTotal() || expressinited == true) {
>		LoaderBar._xscale = (getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal())*100;
>		gotoAndStop(1);
>	} else {
>		gotoAndStop(2);
>	}
>I have a loader bar in frame 1. The movie is designed to wait until it's
>fully downloaded before going to frame 2. The thing is, SWFObject also
>stops the movie on frame 1. I've tried differentiating between SWFObject
>and my code stopping the movie but if you don't install the upgraded
>player and then reload the page it takes you to the main part of the
>movie, then tells you you need to upgrade. I have uploaded two versions,
>http://www.caveboy.com.au/test/loadtest4.html which should play through
>in Flash Player 6 and later and
>http://www.caveboy.com.au/test/loadtest9.html which should ask you to
>upgrade to Flash Player 9. Any ideas how to fix this? Both versions use
>to same .swf file, the only difference is the version of Flash Player
>they try to detect in the .html code. I'm using Flash MX (v6.0).
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