[SWFObject] passing JS variables to swfobject

Chris Barr barr104 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 22:24:26 PDT 2006

Hey guys, I'm having a rather unusual problem with variables passed  
through SWF object to flash, and I can't figure out any other way to  
do this properly.
I'm trying to get the referrer (generated by PHP) sent to a flash  
"enter" button to enter my site.  When the button is pressed it sends  
many variables to a PHP form to store this data for me to see later -  
all transparent to the user.

ANYWAY - say someone finds my site via google, so the referrer is set  
to "http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=eject 
+media".  In setting up the flash object I set it to add a variable  
to my flash movie like this - so.addVariable("referrer", "http:// 

And as you may think, that works just fine...to a point.  Flash only  
sees the variable up to the first & symbol!  Meaning all I get in  
flash is "http://www.google.com/search?client=safari" - I don't get  
to see what the actual google query is!

This is a very odd problem, but I see no other way to get this var  
passed into flash properly.  Any ideas?

Chris Barr | media designer | ejectmedia.net
chris at ejectmedia.net
aim: ejectmedia

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