[SWFObject] SetVariable and Opera

Lorenz Media info at lorenz-media.com
Thu Jun 15 01:35:44 PDT 2006


I'm new to this list and I only registered here for one reason:

when i embed flash with swfobject and want to send data from javascript 
to flash by "flashobject.SetVariable()" it works fine with firefox and 
ie, but Opera makes (as usual) problems.

Here what it says:

Error in Handler
Name: TypeError
Message: Statement on line 99: Type mismatch (usually a non-object value 
used where an object is required)
   Line 99 of linked script http://eagl/display/js/uccRpc.js
     flashMovie.SetVariable("dataSendStr", sendStr);
   Line 159 of linked script 
     dataFunc = eval(response);
data = dataFunc();
if (this.userHandler[callName])
               Line 86 of linked script 
     if (client.userhandler.onLoad)
                   Line 61 of linked script 
     self.stateChangeCallback(self, callName);
   At unknown location
     [statement source code not available]

As you can see, I'm using jpSpan as well, but the errormessage comes 
with "SetVariable" which the flashobject doesn't seem to have as 
function with the swfobject method (if I comment it out, it's all fine). 
When I embed the common HTML way it works in Opera. The flashobject 
itself seems to be right (when I alert it, it's "[object 
HTMLEmbedElement]" - like in Firefox).

So do you have any solutions, ideas or at least the possibility to slap 
some Opera developers?

Kind regards


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