[SWFObject] Initializing variable

Javier de Alfonso javierdealfonso at vocesenlared.com
Tue May 2 18:46:26 PDT 2006

Hello, I need to set a variable called "vol" (volume) to 100 when first
entering our homepage, and then allowing the visitor to change it with a
slider, so I need to pass its value from page to page. (The web is made from
several html pages with one flash in each).
Before the EOLAS issue I used the following html code in every page to get
variables from the url:
  '<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"\n'+
  ' codebase="
6,0,29,0" width="975" height="580" ID="inquiero">\n'+
  ' <param name=movie VALUE="index.swf'+document.location.search+'">\n'+
  ' <param name=quality VALUE=best>\n'+
  ' <param name=wmode VALUE=transparent>\n'+
  ' <embed src="index.swf'+document.location.search+'"\n'+
  '   quality=best wmode=transparent width="975" height="580"
  '   type="application/x-shockwave-flash"\n'+
  '   pluginspage="
and the following AS inside the flash:
   if (vol==null) {vol=100};
So when first entering any page the value of "vol" was set to 100 if it
wasn't passed from the url.
How should I use Geoff's SWFObject to achieve the same?
I tried on every html:
   so.addVariable("vol", getQueryParamValue ("vol"));
and inside every flash:
   if (vol==null) {vol=100};
But "vol" always sets to 0.
Could you give a hand here? Thank you in advance.
Madrid. Spain.
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