[SWFObject] Movie Background Color

Turner, Ben (AT - Atlanta) Ben.Turner at AutoTrader.com
Thu May 18 04:32:50 PDT 2006

I have a pop-up window that opens up with a 728x90 SWF and 6 links on
it. The purpose of the page is for the user to see 6 different Flash
files without having to have a separate window for each one (parent page
contains "thumbnail" versions of the files). I am using JavaScript to
build an array with the values for the movies. This is my script:
    var swf= new Array();
    swf[0] = 'flash/swf_01.swf';
    swf[1] = 'flash/swf_02.swf';
    swf[2] = 'flash/swf_03.swf';
    swf[3] = 'flash/swf_04.swf';
    swf[4] = 'flash/swf_05.swf';
    swf[5] = 'flash/swf_06.swf';
    function changeFlash(x) {
     document.getElementById('FlashMovie').movie = swf[x];
Here is the SWFObject script I am using:
  <script type="text/javascript">
   var so = new SWFObject(swf[0], "FlashMovie", "728", "90", "7");
Here is one of the links on the page:
    <a id="link1" href="#SWF0" onMouseUp="changeFlash(0)"
The DIV that I'm putting the SWF in doesn't have a background color and
is set to be the exact size of the Flash file. The initial file loads
fine, the issue that I'm having is that the background color from the
first SWF is carried over to all subsequent movies. For example the
initial movie has a blue background and shows fine. If the user clicks
the link to view the other SWFs the blue background color from the first
one replaces the background color in all subsequent movies.
I have tried putting a BG color in: var so = new SWFObject(swf[0],
"FlashMovie", "728", "90", "7", "086AFF");. I've tried using:
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); and it does not seem to alleviate
the issue. In total there are 70+ Flash movies and we are constantly
adding new ones. I don't really have the resources to go back and change
each Flash movie at this point (though if a solution isn't found I will
take that route).
If any one has any suggestions on how to dynamically change the BG color
or make it where the color does not carry over I would greatly
appreciate it. I guess there is a way that I could create a second array
of colors and pull that in, but I'd rather not go in and pull the hex
for each movie.
Thanks in advance.
Benjamin Turner :: User Interface Engineer
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