[SWFObject] Problem with SWFObject, ExternalInterface and Microsoft Windows Media Center

Kareem Kouddous software at dottvtech.com
Tue Nov 14 12:24:04 PST 2006

Hi All,

I am having a problem with an HTML Media Center Application (like  
MTV's Overdrive or Comedy Central's Motherload) using SWFObject to  
embed a flash movie that uses ExternalInterface. My application uses  
the Custom Viewport to play video and if you go fullscreen and then  
try and go back to the application the flash movie disappears and is  
replaced with white background.

- This may be related to this problem - http://blog.metawrap.com/blog/ 
- The problem occurs even if the swfobject.js is included in the page  
but not used (as long as ExternalInterface is used for javascript to  
flash communication).

Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, are there any known  
workarounds (apart from going back to my custom way of embedding the  
flash movie)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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