[SWFObject] Audio Flash Player

Patricia Davidson pddesigns at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 16:47:30 PST 2006

I am posting again, even though Aran helped me with this website.  I
am having an issue though with IE 6.  My flash player (swfOject
wrapped around it) is set up within the pMachine Expression Engine
programming.  What's happening is that the flash audio player will not
display for all my clients audio teachings in IE6.  The first audio
displays, not not the next couple of ones.  In Firefox it is
displaying correctly.

here's my site again:

here is the code with swfOject:

{if audioplayer != ""}
<div id="flashcontent">
  This text is replaced by the Flash Audio Player.

<script type="text/javascript">
       var so = new
"audioplayer2", "290", "24", "7");
       so.addVariable("bg", "0xDDA246");
       so.addVariable("slider", "0xAF0000");
       so.addVariable("track", "0xFFFFFF");
       so.addVariable("border", "0xFFFFFF");
       so.addVariable("loader", "0x790022");
       so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
       so.addParam("menu", "false");

Thanks, Pat :)

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