[SWFObject] Ajax and swfobject are not compatible. :(

David de Kock david at tnmedia.nl
Mon Nov 27 08:08:33 PST 2006

Hi Michael,


I notice that your banner div and your SWFobject share the same id
(bannertop), you should not do that.


Also your flash object does not disappear from DOM, what happens is that the
style:display changes to none when you click a link.

I can't see what function is responsible for that but I'm pretty sure that
it is not done by SWFobject.


Goos luck,



-----Original Message-----
From: swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com
[mailto:swfobject-bounces at lists.deconcept.com] On Behalf Of micheal jansen
Sent: maandag 27 november 2006 15:00
To: swfobject at lists.deconcept.com
Subject: [SWFObject] Ajax and swfobject are not compatible. :(


First i like to thank you for this wonderfull script. I have used it
sometimes now.
In my latest page i wanted to load dynamically content with ajax script. But
when i do this in combination
with the swfobject script the flash object dissapears when clicking a link.
It only dissapears in IExplorer.. 

I made an example

 Does anyone reconize this problem? And can it be fixed?




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