[SWFObject] Dynamic XML

Paul Cardwell PCardwell at latindiscover.com
Thu Oct 5 12:57:27 PDT 2006


Grateful if anybody can suggest code to make this work on a 100% dynamic
basis. At present I have it 80%.

I am using SWFObject with SlideShowPro, to produce 300+ pages, each with
a different slide show driven by a database.

The code below appears on each page. Each page has a URL parameter to
define it, eg asp?name=Peru2191

<script type="text/javascript">
   var so = new SWFObject("slideTour.swf", "homebanner", "420", "250",
"7", "#ffffff");
      so.addVariable("xmlfile", "slideTour.asp");

Using SlideShowPro's example of creating a dynamic show, the file
"slideTour.swf" has "xmlfile" defined dynamically, so that republishing
each time is not needed. This code works if I enter manually an xml
file, or have the database generate the field where "slideTour.asp" is.
But that means I still have to generate 300+ xml files, each set by one
dynamic parameter. I would love to avoid this!

Question: how to code so that the one file "slideTour.asp" works? This
file is dynamic in that it is configured to produce the right xml file
using the same URL parameters as the whole page, that is
"name=Peruxxxx". But try as I might, there is just a blank space where
the show should be.

pcardwell at latindiscover.com

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