[SWFObject] flashvars htm

PM Zanetti p.zanetti at caffesolo.com
Wed Oct 11 14:08:14 PDT 2006

> sure you can pass in html:
> so.addVariable("somehtml", "<p>hello this is a paragraph!</p>");
> you just have to be sure and escape all the strange characters that
> might pop up in there, so you can use escape() or encodeURIComponent
> () with it if you want:
> so.addVariable("somehtml", escape("<p>hello this is a paragraph!</ 
> p>"));

I must be doing something wrong this does not work for me i get the  
html tags passed through as text as well
as in the following, i would get a result that includes the tags in  
the text box

<div id="welcome"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
		// <![CDATA[
		var so = new SWFObject("templates/welcome.swf", "site navigation",  
"540", "320", "7", "");
		so.addVariable("flashVarText", escape("<p>hello this is a paragraph! 
		so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
		// ]]>

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