[SWFObject] Netscape 7.0 duplicates SWF

Darren Bowers darren.bowers at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 01:14:50 PST 2006

I unfortunately have to develop content to run on Netscape 7.0 (Mozilla/5.0
(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020823 Netscape/7.0)
and i found an interesting bug with SWFobject - any flash content is written
out twice on the page.

I have traced the browser detection in swfobject and it only seems to detect
that it is Navigator once, so i cant see how this is happening.

I have tried it with different SWF's and both swfobject 1.4.4 & 2.0 but i
get the same result - 2 SWF's on the page. IE 6+ & FF1.5+ are all good:

Here is all the code that exists.. any ideas? Can anyone else test this

<script src="scripts/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="flashcontent">
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
           var fo = new SWFObject("./flash/topnav.swf", "topnav", "657",
"20", "7", "#FFFFFF");

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