[SWFObject] Deeplinking w/ Anchors into containers

Geoff Stearns geoff at deconcept.com
Tue Oct 31 14:24:32 PST 2006

sure, you just need to pass in the hash to the flash movie when it  
loads, which is really easy:

so.addVariable("hash", document.location.hash);

then take the _root.hash var when the movie starts and use that to  
load the appropriate swf.

On Oct 31, 2006, at 5:18 PM, Ade Olufeko wrote:

> hello peeps I was just reading a post about anchors from over here  
> http://www.noscope.com/journal/2004/04/named-anchors
> I was wondering if something like that could be applied to flash  
> movies with containers loading other movies...?
> a good example... if you go to this url http://www.2advanced.com/ 
> #casestudies/byproject   it will skip all the intros and go  
> directly to the that section of the flash movie.
> sometimes its a little more complex when the flash movie uses a  
> container to load other swfs.. e.g    jumi.swf, about.swf,  
> buy.swf    jumi swf contains a holder where all the other swfs are  
> supposed to be loaded into.  i cant figure out how to deeplink  
> that. I am baffled! any help would be great.
> //My main movie loads into here:
> mcl.loadClip ("/Site/swfs
> /sites_main.swf",holder);
> //My functions, button example
> b1.onRelease = function() {
>     loader._visible = true;
>     mcl.loadClip("/Site/swfs
> /Site_some.swf",holder);
> }
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