[SWFObject] movie not working in xp

David Waclo dave at wolfsmithmedia.com
Thu Sep 14 14:14:56 PDT 2006

We have added swfoject to many of our sites, and have had no problems  
up until now, but today the boss tried to show a client some of our  
flash sites. At first the client didn't have Flash installed, so the  
detect worked properly. After downloading and installing Flash 9, the  
client's computer showed only a broken image link where the swf  
should have showed up. Flash did work fine on other sites that had  
the simple embed tag, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Has anyone  
had any difficulty with new versions of xp? The client had pretty  
much a new windows machine running xp. Unfortunately, that's all the  
info I have. The sites work fine on my windows computer running xp.  
We're using SWFObject v1.4.  The sites are:   www.thinking- 
outside.com, http://www.mwa-truckee.com/, http:// 

thanks in advance for any help,

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