[SWFObject] Validating page

Patricia Davidson pddesigns at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 17:01:32 PDT 2006

Hi, it's getting closer as I don't have the errors anymore.  My
background image in my div is showing up. Remember, this is the second
flash item on the page.  Part of your code above was for the flash
menu which I validating and working fine with the swfobject script.

<div id="midsection1">
  This text is replaced by the Flash movie.

<script type="text/javascript">
   var so = new
SWFObject("http://goldbeachyouthgroup.com/slideshowpro.swf", "movie",
"760", "150", "7", "#36393E");
so.addParam(""wmode" value="window", "transparent", "FlashVars"
=0xCCCCCC"), "quality" value="best", "scale" value="noscale" ;

that's the code.  I have to change it a bit because this code is
embedded in my cms (expression engine by pMachine) so it's in the
template system.

if you need to refer to the original code. I have it here:

Thank for the help.
Pat :)

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